Indication: Ideal for supporting the cervical spine in neutral position.
This simple dressing stick eliminates the need to bend in awkward positions, featuring a thick easy to grip, long reach handle and push/pull hook.
This allows people to put on their socks independently and easily despite pain or physical limitations
This convenient device will allow you to move your legs safely, especially following hip surgery
Metal rod actuated so that no string will stretch or break
Protection of metatarsal heads from pressure and shear forces
PediFix Deep-Healing Foot Cream features mineral oil and vitamins A, D and E to moisturize and soften calluses and dry, rough skin.
Universal sizing makes this an ideal choice for an economy wrist support.
Designed to provide outstanding lower back support or neck support
Stomahesive® Protective Powder helps form a protective barrier for weeping skin
Pinchers can rotate 90 degrees for vertical and horizontal grip
Strapless and breathable, Spidertech’s Clean Mask is made using 100% bignano-corp meltblown fibers